FIX COD Warzone Crashes High CPU Usage Dev Error Stutter Shaders DirectX
*Update: Other potential fixes pinned in the comments. For me personally, all of the problems listed were solved by doing this one thing properly. Solution Timestamp pinned in comments. I talk about various issues which you may be experiencing in COD:Modern Warfare/Warzone and also how to properly reinstall the game and most importantly, what you should do to make sure the new download doesn't get messed up. • Will you help me reach a 1000 Subs? / @sheerinstinct • I have made an update which is pinned in the comments section containing a small list of some things that you can try first before deciding to re-install. • Just to make it clear I experienced all the mentioned issues and the only thing I had to do to fix all of them was re-install. Some people found my pinned update to work and did not have to re-install. The update takes into account that you are only having one or a few of these issues and not all of them combined. • I forgot to mention that you should try the delete shaders and reinstall option under the graphics settings tab first especially if you are having graphical issues. For me that didn't help and my biggest issue was exactly that, graphical. • Please let me know down in the comments if this fixed any of the problems which you were having, thanks!. • My socials: • • Facebook: / sheerinstinct • • Instagram: / sheerinstinct • • Twitter: / sheerinstinct • • Youtube: • • Discord: / discord • If you enjoyed the video I would really appreciate it if you could hit that like and subscribe button, the notification bell is up to you! • Thanks for watching!