Mystery of the Widows Son The Legend of the Craft


Hiram Abiff was busy working his Craft, when he suddenly found himself transported into the center of the Earth by Tubal-Cain, there to taste of the Tree of Knowledge. . . • Who was the original 'Widow's Son'? That all depends on who you ask. This documentary explores a particular thread of Masonic history, namely the origin of the third degree, and the 'lineage' of the Craft. Sourced from some of the earliest manuscripts, and exploring certain facts not often brought to light, we shall see why the Mark of Tubal-Cain is an indelible stamp of heritage to the thoughtful Mason. • Bibliography - • 1:04 - 1:25 Bro. Albert Pike - The Morals and Dogma of Freemasonry • 1:32 - 1:44 INTRODUCTION TO FREEMASONRY - THE MASTER MASON DEGREE , Bro. Carl H. Claudy, grand master of the District of Columbia in 1943 • 1:58 - 2:07 Bro. William Harvey, - The story of Hiram Abiff • 2:47 - 3:01 Bro. Albert Mackey - The History of Freemasonry, vol. 1 • 3:05 - 4:24 The Legend of the Craft from the Alnwick Manuscript of 1701 (A Masonic Constitution) but ALL previous sources back to the Dowland (1500) and Cooke (1450) include the same basic story, including the lineage from Lamech (Cain's descendant and the second murderer) and the building of the Tower of Babylon as the first major Masonic endeavor. • 4:25 - 4:42 Bro. Albert Mackey - The History of Freemasonry, vol. 1 • 6:35 - 7:01 Bro. William Harvey, - The story of Hiram Abiff • 7:09 - 7:39 The Temple Legend, A Challenging Alternative, Presented at Oracle Lodge 1003 on 8th March 2004 by Bro. Paul Kenny • 8:09 - 8:16 Charles Heckethorn -The Secret Societies of all ages and countries - New edition V.2, 1897 • 8:21 - 9:20 Same as above • 9:25 - 9:33 Same as above • 10:04 - 12:23 Rudolf Steiner The Temple Legend - , Rudolf Steiner Press, London, 1985 (Rosicrucian, Mason - Irregular) • 15:09 - 21:53 Freemasonry and Catholicism - Max Heindel, founder of the 'Rosicrucian Fellowship', Published by the Rosicrucian Fellowship, Oceanside, California • 22:18 - 23:01 Charles Heckethorn -The Secret Societies of all ages and countries - New edition V.2, 1897 • 23:20 - 23:47 Bro. Stephen (Steve) Cosgrove - John the Evangelist -- Son of Cain March 13, 2009 • 25:19 - 25:45 Charles Heckethorn - The Secret Societies of all ages and countries - New edition V.1, 1897 • 25:54 - 26:09 Rene Guenon, quoted in The Temple Legend by Bro. Steve Cosgrove, January 15, 2009 • 26:34 - 26:53 Solomon-Son of Abel/Seth, Bro. Steve Cosgrove, February 4, 2009 • 26:54 - 29:51 Bro. Steve Cosgrove - The Temple Legend - January 15, 2009 • 31:08 - 31:42 Same as above • 32:44 - 32:50 The Obelisk and Freemasonry - John Adam Weisse, M.D., P. 1887 • 32:54 - 33:02 Genesis 3:7 • 33:20 - 33:44 Bro. Albert Pike - The Morals and Dogma of Freemasonry • 34:20 - 34:29 LIGHTFOOT'S MANUAL OF THE LODGE, JEWEL P. LIGHTFOOT, Past Grand Master • 35:33 - 35:51 The Great Seal of the United States - Elmer W. Claypool, 32∞ • 36:17 - 36:25 This information can be found in A history of the character and achievements of the so-called Christopher Colombus Page 146 - Aaron Goodrich, 1874 • 36:31 - 36:50 The Secret Teachings of all Ages, Manly P. Hall • 37:57 - 38:33 Magick in Theory and Practice - Chapter 21 - Aleister Crowley (Mason (Irregular) + OTO, Golden Dawn, A.A., etc.) • 39:00 - 39:23 MASONRY DEFINED - Bro. E. R. JOHNSTON 32∞ • 40:18 - 40:29 Freemasonry in the Holy Land - Bro. Rob Morris, Grand Master of Kentucky, Trip taken in 1868 • 40:47 - 41:07 - Article The More You Show, The Less You Know by the Master of the 'Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge Jurisdiction of Arkansas, F. A.M.' - Organized 1873 • 41:16 - 41:43 Turning the Hiram Key - Bro. Robert Lomas, 2005 • 42:04 - 42:12 William D. Moore Riding the Goat, Secrecy, Masculinity, and Fraternal High Jinks in the United States, 1845-1930 • 42:25 - 42:30 Shriner publication quoted by Charles W. Ferguson, Fifty Million Brothers: A Panorama of American Lodges and Clubs (New York: Farrar Rhinehart, 1937) • 42:55 - 43:33 Astrological Signatures, Course II, Chapter 9, Original Copyright 1928, Elbert Benjamine (a.k.a. C. C. Zain) • 44:50 - 45:01 Bro. Albert Pike - The Morals and Dogma of Freemasonry • 45:46 - 45:57 The 1930 DeMoulin Bros. Co. Fraternal Supply Catalog No. 439, Pg. 32 • 46:45 - 46:56 Quotes displayed are from Masonic Forum of Light topic Riding the Goat? Thread from August 11, 1997 • 47:34 - 47:58 Noble Bob Roslund interviewed at the S.E. Shriners Convention, Chatt. TN Summer 2007 (Bob went on to become Commander for 2008-2009 of the Florida Shrine Legions of Honor Association) • 47:58 - 48:08 - Bro. Brian McDonald - AKA Proudfreemason. A (supposedly) 32∞ Scottish Rite Mason (among other acolades) on a YouTube comment • 48:14 - 48:31 Symbolism of the Three Degrees, Bro. Oliver Day Street • 48:41 - 49:13 Matthew {25:32-34 + 25:41} • 52:46 - 53:29 Excerpt from Bro. Barry Goldwater's 1964 speech at the 28th Republican National Convention, accepting the nomination for president.


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