This Ghanaian Spicy sauce “shito” bangs 💯
Everyone knows that Ghanaian spicy sauce “shito” bangs.. this has been a tradition in several households. • Cooking oil • Dried herrings • ginger • garlic • onions • habanero • Anise powder • Tomato paste • Chili flakes • Fish/shrimp Seasoning • Salt • 1. Heat up oil and fry your dried herrings. • 2. Add fresh ginger, onions, garlic, and habanero and into oil. • 3. Add 3 tablespoons of anise powder and fry till light. • 4. Let the oil cool down and blend with a hand blender. • 5. Cook it till it turns a bit brown and light (40 mins-1 hour) whiles stirring occasionally. • 6. Add tomato paste and cook for 20 minutes. • 7. Add your chili flakes, Cook for 5 minutes and add shrimp / fish seasoning • 8. Add fried herrings, fish powder, shrimp powder and stir continuously for 10-15 minutes so it doesn’t burn and bitter. • 9. Add salt, let it simmer for 2-3 minutes and your “SHITO SAUCE ” is ready. • #food #goodfood #spicy #spicyfood #hotsauce