Just like JW pseudohistory Josephus amp rabbinic tradition expurgate exonerate amp exalt patriarchs
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[D.S. Russell, The Old Testament Pseudepigrapha: Patriarchs Prophets in Early Judaism - 2] • TOPICS: apocrypha; Metatron; Flavius Josephus Antiquities of the Jews ; Rabbinic Haggadic Midrashim; Louis Ginzberg, Legends of the Jews ; Jacob Neusner, Early Rabbinic Judaism , Judaism: the Evidence of the Mishnah ; Martin H Scharlemann, Stephen: a Singular Saint ; JW.org; Jehovah's Witnesses; cults; propaganda • #jworg #jehovahswitnesses #cultsandextremebeliefs #watchtower #pseudepigrapha #biblecanon #noncanonicalbooks #bookofenoch #metatron #midrashim #FlaviusJosephus