Victorian Street Doctors Street Life in 19th Century London
Victorian era medicine was in transition from superstition and quacks to hospitals and modern science. The 19th Century was still a time when the working classes didn’t have regular access to healthcare and so street doctors stepped in to fill the gap…and fill their pockets. Some were no more than phoney physicians and exploited the poor and needy with dishonest cures and worthless potions, so that those already suffering grinding poverty and poor sanitation were tricked out of money with false hopes. You’re going to hear the story of Victorian London’s street doctors, as told in an account from 'Street Life in London', 1877, by John Thomson and Adolphe Smith. • Do you like history and mysteries? SUBSCRIBE and click the bell icon to keep up-to-date. Please support the channel by sharing this video on social media 📲 ✅ It really helps the channel grow so we can bring you more content to watch 📺 Thank you 👍 • Enjoy the Victorians? Watch more videos: • Victorian Sweatshop Scandal (19th Century Work Life): • Sweatshop Hell in Victorian London (1... • Street Life in 19th Century Victorian London: • Street Life in 19th Century Victorian... • 'Crawlers' - Victorian London's Poor: • ‘Crawlers’ of Victorian London (19th ... • Hard Life of a Victorian Chimney Sweep: • Hard Life of a Victorian Chimney Swee... • Victorian Flower Sellers: • Victorian Flower Sellers (Street Life... • Victorian Omnibus Drivers: • Victorian Omnibus Drivers (Street Lif... • Victorian Ratcliffe Highway Slum: • Victorian Ratcliffe Highway Slum (19t... • The ‘Real’ Oliver Twist of Victorian London: • The ‘Real’ Oliver Twist of Victorian ... • Sleeping Rough in Victorian England (Penny ‘Sit-Ups’, Two-Penny ‘Hangovers’ and Four Penny ‘Coffins’): • Sleeping Rough in Victorian England (... • Starving in Victorian London (A Family’s Fight for Survival): • Starving in Victorian London (A Famil... • Victorian Whitechapel (Working Class 19th Century Street Life): • Victorian Whitechapel (Working Class ... • Down-and-Out in Victorian London (Darkest 19th Century England): • Down-and-Out in Victorian London (Dar... • Eating out in Victorian London (Fast Food for the Poor in the 19th Century): • Eating Out in Victorian London (Fast ... • A Tourist in East End Victorian London (The People of the Abyss): • A Tourist in East End Victorian Londo... • Credits: • CC BY - A doctor with five nurses studio portrait by Wellcome Images; A quack doctor selling his remedies on the streets of London by Wellcome Images; A quack doctor selling remedies from his caravan, satirizing by Wellcome Images; Shop sign advertising goods in a pharmacy, England, 1801-1900 by Wellcome Images; Snake Oil by Mike Licht; Manchu soldiers with John Thomson by Wellcome Images; DoubleHorseCartGheorghieni by bourotte • #VictorianLondon #VictorianDocumentary #VictorianLondonDocumentary #VictorianEraDocumentary #LondonSlums #VictorianLife #VictorianSlums #Victorian #19thCentury #VictorianEra #VictorianDoctors