Peacekeeper Black Ops 2 Weapon Guide


Facebook:   / xboxahoy   • Twitter:   / xboxahoy   • This time, we're covering the Peacekeeper. • The first DLC weapon ever seen in Call of Duty, the Peacekeeper is a fully automatic post-launch addition to the SMG category. • An entirely fictional weapon, the Peacekeeper takes on the appearance of a carbine-length assault rifle, with some visual traits similar to that of the real-life AAC Honey Badger. • Both the Peacekeeper appellation and the blue-and-white camo scheme would seem to indicate that this weapon is associated with United Nations forces, presumably for use on peacekeeping missions. • The manufacturer logo on the side reads 'Arbiter', and the side decals also give an insight into this future weapon's supposed calibre - namely FN's PDW cartridge, as used by the P90 and Five-seven: the 5.7 by 28 millimetre round. • In-game, the Peacekeeper is a low damage SMG: you'll need 4 body shots to kill up close, or 3 shots where one is a headshot. • At a distance, you may need up to six shots to kill: however, thanks to the unusually long range of this SMG you can almost always expect to kill in four or five shots. • This means damage output is remarkably consistent out to a middle range, and it's towards the end of its four hit kill zone where the Peacekeeper's ability shines best. • Penetration capability is elevated above the other SMGs - its performance through walls somewhere between the SMG default and that of a typical assault rifle. • Rate of fire is relatively slow - at 750 rounds per minute. This is the same output as the PDW and MSMC, but the Peacekeeper requires an additional shot to kill at a close range. • Rapid fire elevates this output, up to a potential 1136 rounds per minute. • Hipfire spread is the same as any other SMG, but the slower rate of fire and lower per-shot damage means you will generally fare much better while aiming. • Recoil is low - not absent by any means, but the Peacekeeper is stable enough to tackle enemies comfortably at middle ranges. • At an extreme range, you will need to burst fire to remain effective. • Aim time is slower than average for the SMGs, and is instead on par with the assault rifle class, at 250 milliseconds. • It's also worth noting that the innate zoom level of the Peacekeeper is the assault rifle default, at 1.35x - slightly higher than a typical SMG. • Movement speed is as the SMG class default, however - meaning you'll move at 100% of the maximum base speed. • Magazine capacity is fairly average - at 30 rounds, typical for an assault rifle but a little short by comparison to the other SMGs. • Reloads are pretty quick, however - at around 1.9 seconds for a tactical reload. • The Peacekeeper's blend of SMG and Assault Rifle traits make for an interesting approach to gunfights: you should seek to remain on the move to keep enemies within your grasp - but avoid uncomfortably close quarters as to preserve your mid-range advantage. • Flitting from cover to cover is generally a good idea, taking advantage of the full run speed and dexterous traits we've selected. • Anticipation of your enemy's movement is vital - instead of rushing headlong into the fray, you want to hang back just a little - and instead suppress the enemy from an advantageous position. • The Peacekeeper is a versatile SMG that can reach out to longer ranges like no other weapon in its class. • Designed as an assault rifle and SMG hybrid, the weapon takes the rapid handling and manoeuvrability of the former, with the lower recoil and consistent ranged damage of the latter. • The net result is a adaptable weapon that rewards accurate players with reliable performance. • However, the Peacekeeper does suffer from poor close-quarter performance: a slower rate of fire and low-close range damage will leave you at a significant disadvantage when facing conventional SMGs. • Likewise, a typical assault rifle will generally have the upper hand at a longer distances, with such weapons boasting lower recoil or better ranged damage. • Still, the Peacekeeper is very able in mid-ranged engagements, and the weapon's favourable handling characteristics means it is a flexible choice when compared to the more specialised weapons. • If you bear these limitations in mind, and try to force anticipated engagements at a middle range, the multifaceted Peacekeeper will shine. • As the old saying goes, if you wish for peace... • ...prepare for war.


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