Shri Kurukulla Devi Mantra Sanskrit 咕噜咕列佛母心咒
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ • • Kurukulla (Skt. kurukullā; Tib. རིག་བྱེད་མ་, rikjéma; Wyl. rig byed ma) — a female deity associated with the activity of magnetizing. She is usually depicted as red in colour, in dancing posture and holding a flowery bow and arrow. She is also one of the Twenty-One Taras mentioned in the ancient Tara tantras. • She has three mantras, one of seven syllables, one of 13 and one of 25 syllables but in her daily puja the mantra of Tara is employed (Om tare tuttare ture svaha). • According to the vast mediaeval tantrik digest Shrividyarnava, these mantras are Om kurukulle svaha (7), kurukullayah om kurukulle hrih svaha (13); kurukullayah om kurukullehrih: mama sarvjanam vashamanaya hrim svaha. Because she has three mantras she is called Trikhanda (three sections). • Help us caption translate this video! •

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