Do You Have A Punchable Face The Scientific Review


Hi everyone! • Have you ever wondered why some people have a punchable face? • That's what I'm going to explain in this video. • People who have less strength, fighting skills and aggressiveness are more likely to have a babyface. By looking at other people's face, we can estimate whether we would be able to fight them. This is very much the case for people with a baby face. In other words, people with a babyface face, are less likely to fight back and therefore more punchable. • The second factor is context. Humans tend to related faces to certain contexts and emotions. Because of this, faces can cause major feelings of resentment. Such negative feelings, in addition to a decent babyface, can make a face look punchable . The best example of this is Martin Shkreli. Martin Shkreli was the baby-faced CEO of the drug company Turing Pharmaceuticals. In 2015, he decided to raise the price of an anti-HIV drug from $13,50 to $750. After which Shkreli made the headlines as the most punchable face on the planet. • But that's not all, some faces have a specific facial structure that causes their facial expressions to be somewhat different from how they actually feel. Ted Cruz, by example, tends to always look a bit sad. People might have prejudices about the man without knowing anything about him because of that. These is a genetic train that may give Ted Cruz a more punchable face . • I hope you like it and of course: • Don't forget to LIKE and SUBSCRIBE! • Follow Brains Applied on Instagram (and Twitter): •   / brainsapplied   •   / brainsapplied   • Music by • Images by: • Braga, J. Descouens, D., retrieved from • Shankbone, D., retrieved from • Skidmore, G. Retrieved from •, Retrieved from • References: • Beck, J. (2014). Evolving Less Punchable Faces. Retrieved from • Carrier, D. R., Morgan, M. H. (2015). Protective buttressing of the hominin face. Biological Reviews, 90(1), 330-346. • Hakala, K. (2016). We Asked Facial Symmetry Experts About the Science Behind Having A Punchable Face . Retrieved from • Morgan, M. H., Carrier, D. R. (2013). Protective buttressing of the human fist and the evolution of hominin hands. Journal of Experimental Biology, 216(2), 236-244. • Tayag, Y. (2016). Why You Shouldn't Punch a Punchable Face. Retrieved from • Zebrowitz, L. A., McDonald, S. M. (1991). The impact of litigants' baby-facedness and attractiveness on adjudications in small claims courts. Law and human behavior, 15(6), 603-623. • Zebrowitz, L. A., Montepare, J. M. (2008). Social psychological face perception: Why appearance matters. Social and personality psychology compass, 2(3), 1497-1517.


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