VRChat When Hoppous Attack
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=e81HQIbdqxE
When a group of Hoppous swarm you for a hugs and head pats, what do you do? Scream of course. You can't escape these things, they're everywhere. Everywhere. • • We finally reached 1000 subs! Thank you guys so much! I honestly don't know what to say. This is happening really fast. I was thinking about a 1,000 sub special, but my videos take time to make. • However, I want to deeply thank you guys for all your support. I'm here so you guys can laugh and forget your daily troubles. It sure helps me a lot. ^_^ • • Kirby's channel: • / kirbynite • Tenebris Bellator's channel: / @tenebrisbellator • Sora_ichi's channel: • / mrsoraichi • • • Outro Song: • ● Music Released and Provided by Tasty • ● Song Title: Snail's House - Grape Soda • ● Music Video: • Snail's House - Grape Soda [Tasty Re... • ● Label Channel: / tastynetwork • ● Album Download: http://tasty.network/002album