How to do a Box JumpDown to Tuck Jump
In this video, learn how to correctly do a Box Jump-Down to Tuck Jump. • Start by standing on a box or platform with feet shoulders-width apart and pointed straight ahead. Clients new to plyometric training should attempt to “step off” the box and drop to the floor landing with both feet simultaneously, keeping toes and knees pointed straight. Land softly, by flexing the ankles, knees, and hips. Clients with higher levels of core and joint stabilization may jump from the box. When landing, squat slightly as if sitting in a chair. Jump up, bringing both knees toward the chest. Attempt to have the thighs parallel with the ground. Land softly, maintaining optimal alignment on landing keeping the feet, knees, and hips pointed straight ahead. • If you enjoyed this, you can find hundreds of other exercises in the video library on the NASM EDGE app. You can build custom workouts, perform assessments, calculate macronutrients, and more. Get the app today and try its features for free with your first client: • #BoxJump #TuckJump #PlyometricExercise #NASMEDGE #personaltraining #exercise • Follow us : • Facebook: / personaltrainers • Twitter: / nasm • Instagram: / nasm_fitness • LinkedIn: / national-academy-of-sports-medicine-nasm-