The Soy Estrogen Connection Should You Eat Soy


What's the connection between soy and estrogen? Should you be concerned? Watch to learn more! • You may have heard there's a connection between soy and estrogen, and even that soy contains estrogen. It doesn't. Not quite, anyway. But it does contain compounds that mimick it, and there still may be concerns if you consume a lot. Watch to learn more! • Subscribe: • Is soy protein safe?: • Soy • • • Soy based infant formulas (clinical data): • • • Hey everyone, Paul from Ultimate Fat here and today we're look at the soy and its connection to estrogen and whether that's something you need • to worry about. • And, if you stick around to the end of the video, I'm going to give you some real practical advice on using it properly. I'll be right back in just a couple • of seconds, stick around, don't go anywhere! • Alright, welcome back. • So let's talk about soy and estrogen. What's the deal, what's going on, is it nonsense is it not nonsense? What do you need to know. • Well, soy and soy products contain 3 isoflavones called... • Genistein (gen-e-steen) • Daidzein (daid zeen) • glycitein (gly ce teen) • These isoflanoes are known as phytoestrogens, which are plant compounds which mimick the female hormone estrogen. • Guys, if you ever found yourself trying on your girlfriend's clothes or watching the notebook after a big feed of tofu and soy milk, this is why. • OK, sorry that was silly and I am only kidding, but it actually cuts to the chase about the concern with soy products, and that is that these estrogen • mimicking compounds that can actually interfere with the normal function of hormones in the body, and as a result have a negative effect on all sorts • of things, including reproductive hormone levels and sperm counts in men. • In addition, animal studies show that these compounds can also cause breast cancer, and in human studies, some women who supplemented with soy protein saw • an increase in the number of epethial cells in the breasts, which is important because these are the cells that are most likely to turn cancerous. To • make things even more confusing some observational studies suggest women who consume soy and soy products actually have a lower risk of breast cancer. • And as a result, you'll hear all sorts of things about soy and soy products; that they are essentially poison and toxic and you shouldn't eat them and • bla-bidy-bla-bidy blah and on the other hand you have folks telling you there's nothing to worry about, soy is wholesome and healthy and people have been • eating soy and living happily ever after for 100's of years. • The truth is that the science on the dangers of soy consumption is conflicting and contradictory and there's not enough conclusive to suggest whether • or not soy consumption presents dangers, and more importantly, how much is dangerous. • For almost every study that you can dig up showing a negative effect, you can find another one to contradict it. • I realize tht's not particlarly helpful, so let me much needed context to the discussion about soy and estrogen.... • 1) Soy isn't the only food we eat that contains the phytoestrogens we've been talking about today. They're common in many legumes also in our diet. • 2) While humans have certainly eaten soy for 100's of years, it's only recently that we've gained easy access to foods like soy milk and soy protein • which makes it easy to consume super-high, almost concentrated levels of these phytoestrogens without consuming a single soy bean. • 3) There's an old saying - It's the dose that makes the poison • In my opinuion, that certainly applies here; the occasional use of soy and soy products is not going to hurt you and may • even be beneficial. However, if you drink soy milk regularly, eat tofu and supplement with a soy based protein powder on a regular basis, you're more at • risk to suffer the side effects and the dangers, should they actually turn out to be an issue, and we're not 100% sure that they are yet. • So what's the bottom line here? What's a practical recommendation for soy consumption? • Use common sense. • My personal recommendation is don't worry about the occasional use of soy products, but I would think carefully about regular, repeated use of them, • especially those foods that make it really easy to consume a lot of soy constituents ... soy milk or soy protein powder. • Video URL:    • The Soy Estrogen Connection; Should Y...  


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