Flashing Shipping Container Windows Exterior
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=eEI7FzjSLu0
https://www.insofast.com/resources/sh... • Fluid-applied flashings cost a lot more than your average peel-and-stick. Apply a thick bead of liquid flash in all the corners and seams, then apply multiple beads on the flat surfaces of the jambs. Use a product like Roof Mate Butter grade Flashing. • Immediately while the material is wet embed fabric into wet coating and work it with a brush so that it is saturated with coating. Fabric should be installed as required after application of any primers or caulk, and prior to application of the coating on the roof. Cut the fabric to the desired length. Next embed the tough polyester fabric surface into the wet liquid flashing. • Apply an additional 15 – 20 wet mils (0.381 – 0.508 mm) over the top to completely encapsulate the fabric. All reinforcement fabric must be 100% adhered to the substrate, with no tenting or air pockets. • #shippingcontainerhomes