QiBounding My 3Minute Energy Boost 1 Morning workout
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http://QiBounding.com Get up in the Morning is the first video of the QiBounding series My 3-Minute Energy Boost . It shows a 3 minute sequence of exercises that you can do in the morning to get fit for your day. The Rebounding exercises start with a gentle Health bounce. Then we show you different stretches on the Rebounder and at the end we finish with a more dynamic Bouncing. Have FUN! • Disclaimer: Always consult your physician before Rebounding exercise to determine whether it is appropriate for you to do this. This video is meant to give Rebounding instructions and inspiration to people who are beginners and those who are advanced in Rebounding. It is up to you (and your doctor) to determine which of those exercises you can do and which are not good for your health or too difficult to perform. Keep in mind that you are doing all exercises on your own risk. If you feel uncomfortable, do not continue the exercise. Only work in your own comfort zone and don't get carried away with your enthusiasm. Do only those exercises that are easily in your reach and build up from there. If you experience pain during or after the exercises or if you recognize any physical problem, do not rebound and see your doctor before continuing to rebound. We are no doctors and cannot give any medical advice and we are not responsible for accidents or injuries sustained which result directly or indirectly from bouncing on a Rebounder or doing exercises shown on this video. • http://Rebounding.TV is a platform of the conscious Rebounding community a place to ask questions and find answers about Rebounding and Rebounders (mini trampolines). • • Each episode provides information to an aspect of Rebounding, Health and Well Being. We will also speak about different Rebounders and how you can distinguish harmful Rebounders from quality Rebounders. • • Rebounding on a mini trampoline is a great Osteoporosis exercise as it can help you in your effort to strengthen your bones. It is also a way for natural weight loss and natural stress relief. People who suffer from depression, stress or anxiety often experience Rebounding as the soothing, calming and rejuvenating. Rebounding also triggers the body to produce Serotonin, the happy hormone with the result that after about 5 minutes of Rebounding, you will get the big smilie in your face. Have fun! More about Rebounding and its great health benefits at http://www.QiBounding.com