Proper Spine and Hip Alignment🤝🏼💫
Proper Spine and Hip Alignment🤝🏼💫 • Finding that sweet spot between an anterior tilt and a posterior tilt is the proper alignment for our spine and hips. • Learning to tilt your hips in both directions is a good way to build awareness of your hip angle. You can work back and forth between posterior and anterior tilts to find your best posture. • During a workout, you can purposely hold your hips in either a posterior or anterior tilt to change the muscles you are targeting. Certain exercises are better to have your hips with an anterior tilt and others are optimized with a posterior tilt. • Play with both and see what works best for you! • #JaredHarmonized #JaredGaray #HarmonizedJared #HumansInHarmony #Posture #BodyAlignment