Waldensians Lecture 1 The Roots of Waldos Conversion
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=eFe1LOGi9wM
Biblical eLearning (https://biblicalelearning.org) presents: • Dr. Kevin Frederick presenting a series of 12 sermons on the History of the Waldensians. This is sermon 1 :The Roots of Waldo's Conversion (1172-1207). } • Dr. Kevin Frederick is the pastor of the Waldensian Presbyterian Church in Valdese, NC. His forthcoming book is titled: With Their Backs Against the Mountains: 850 Years of Waldensian Witness. Also the Waldensian Heritage Museum is worth a trip to Valdese, North Carolina [waldensianheritagemuseum.org]. • The audio, full text of these presentations in English, Spanish, Russian, Chinese, and others are freely available at https://biblicalelearning.org.