AQW Celestial Realm LostRuins join celestialrealm join lostruins FULL Walkthrough
AQW Celestial Realm Full Walkthrough • Quests shown done in this video: • Summon Help Power Up! The Final Spell Fragment Find the Map Reveal the Portal! Investigate the Runes Take out the Knights Find the Clues Recover the Cage Key Protect Them Break the Spell Open the Cage • • ☞ Facebook: / zeo.ryo • ☞Twitter: / zeoryo • ☞Welcome to my YouTube channel. In this channel, I'll be posting Adventure Quest Worlds videos such as Weekend Releases Walkthroughs, Class Guides, Reputation tutorials and and anything other which is AQW related. If you guys want to contact me, I am either in the server Sir Ver or Safiria ,or comment in one of my videos. • I reply to all the appropriate comments that are been posted on my videos. • ☞ About the game: • AdventureQuest Worlds (often shortened to AQ Worlds or simply AQW) is a browser-based massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) released by Artix Entertainment in October 2008. Unlike most MMORPGs, AdventureQuest Worlds is developed entirely in Adobe Flash. It currently has over 30 million registered accounts, reaching six million in May 2009 and nine million two months later. • ☞DISCLAIMER: • All tracks on the AQWNatsumi channel are uploaded with explicit written permission from the artist/label to use their content commercially for ad monetization.