Coûte que coûte Mieux dépenser votre argent Virginie et David


Whatever your financial situation and whatever your income, manage your budget is not obvious. So, hard to realize your Costs projets.Dans what, you learn how to maximize your revenue, you allow for short-term pleasure, but also to consider the major projects for the future. To help them manage their money otherwise families will be backed by Gilles Geffroy and Marie-Paule Doucet. • Marie-Paule is a journalist specializing in consumer and knows all the tricks to live comfortably without spending big bucks. • Thanks to his knowledge of the banking industry, Gilles Geffroy will give them the keys for projects that families did not dare believe. • Together, they give 30 days to study in detail the financial situation of a family and thus propose solutions for its revenue to embellish everyday life. • Is it possible to improve their daily significantly by adopting good management practices? For maintain purchasing power has become a central concern of French. A family with an update Marie-Paule Doucet and Gilles Geffroy to understand what's wrong with her finances. Indeed, Virginia and David, two children, parents, fail to get by financially. Yet they together have an income of 4200 euros per month. But whenever there is a heavy blow, they can not cope. It is their monthly budget that the issue of specialists will comb through. David and Virginia will be offered solutions. But they come to apply rigorously? • • Directed by Wilfrid Garcette Maria Roche Productions • Whatever the costs, M6 • FIND: • All our documentaries Investigations and inquiries    / @investigation   • Our War Reports    / @reportagesdeguerre4662   • Our Society Documentaries    / documentaire société   • GOOD TO KNOW : • Like this video is the best way to support us. • Subscribe to receive our upcoming publications.


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