WATCH LIVE MI v Ethan Crumbley Arraignment
On November 29, 2021, Ethan Crumbley brought live ammunition to Oxford High School and openly displayed the same while in the classroom,” the lawsuit goes on to allege. • Past iterations of the story suggested that Crumbley was looking at ammunition on his phone the day before the shootings occurred. • The amended filing leans heavily into the alleged public upbraiding Crumbley was given by administrators, faculty, and staff for the above-cited incidents and others that the lawsuit claims should have clued various adults in to the horrific violence ahead. • “[The first counselor] knew and/or should have known that by removing Ethan Crumbley from class, in front of his classmates, with his backpack and making him sit for an hour and a half while waiting for his parents, after Ethan Crumbley had drawn violent pictures and notes depicting death and violence against students at Oxford High School, such actions provided clearance for Ethan Crumbley to commit his acts of violence and would, and did, further accelerate Ethan Crumbley’s murderous plans,” the lawsuit alleges. • The alleged killer’s parents shook their heads in serious disagreement when prosecutors claimed during a recent court hearing that school officials had told the parents to remove Ethan from school shortly before the shootings occurred. The parents, James Crumbley and Jennifer Crumbley, seemed to be signaling that the official story — that school officials told them to bring Ethan home and to secure health treatment in a matter of hours — was a lie. • The federal civil lawsuit was filed by Jeffrey Franz and Brandy Franz as a “next friend” for Riley Franz, 17, and Bella Franz, 14, their minor children who sustained a gunshot wound to the neck and psychological turmoil during the shooting, respectively. • #EthanCrumbley #OxfordHighSchoolShooting