Spanish 101 Learn ALL Spanish Fundamentals


Are you sure you know the basics in Spanish? Get ready to learn the most important words in Spanish, the words you need to know in Spanish. Learn to say days, colors, numbers, months, seasons, languages, nationalities, and more with this short but useful practical video. If you know the basics, make sure you are saying these words correctly, and that you have not forgotten anything by reviewing this video. Do it all with this Spanish video. In only 14 minutes your Spanish will shine and sparkle. Learn in a fun way and see how much more you learn this way here with me, Ana at Butterfly Spanish. • Remember to review other topics with some of my other videos. Here is my suggestion. Watch my playlist: • Spanish Level One: •    • Learn how to say the vowels in Spanis...   • Please consider making a donation if you think my videos are helping you to learn. It helps me to make more videos, to drink coffee, to eat, to live, to dress, and to keep teaching. Gracias :) • You can donate at: Or through PayPal: • Gracias and do not forget that topics such as Spanish alphabet, Spanish sounds and pronunciation, Spanish vocabulary, Spanish verbs, and Spanish tenses like past vs imperfect in Spanish, and more complicated Spanish topics like direct and indirect objects in Spanish can be found at Butterfly Spanish. Browse my channel and see what you need to learn. I make my videos with love, care, and knowledge, and my goal is that what you did not know yesterday you know today, that what you thought was complicated, is not, and that you know much more Spanish today after watching my videos, and that they make you feel more confident and positive: •    / butterflyspanish   • Welcome to Spanish fun. Here with Ana at Butterfly Spanish your Spanish begins, goes by, enjoys the views, and reaches its goal. Your tongue will move by itself in Spanish. • Saludos, Ana


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