Parenting Style Attachment Parenting Parents
Watch as Parents Magazine gives advice for parents on the attachment parenting style! Of the many styles of parenting, attachment parenting leads to the strongest secure bonds between parent and child. Children raised with this type of parent involvement tend to have more trust, confidence, and healthy relationships. Parents who use this form of child rearing believe that being physically and emotionally available to their kids helps them feel more secure. The parenting style has eight core principles: Minimize interventions during pregnancy. Breastfeed responsibly and wean gently. Respond with sensitivity to a child's needs. Practice positive discipline, discouraging physical punishment. Encourage human touch. Encourage parents to be the primary caregiver. Balance your life so parents can be good role models. Other than these parenting principles, attachment parents do not take firm stances on many other issues. The criticisms of this child discipline style are that it can take a toll on marriage, and children need to learn independence. Despite the possible negative outcomes, attachment parenting definitely leads to a very special parent and child bond! • Subscribe to the Parents channel: • About Parents: We’re here to help moms and dads raise happy, healthy kids—and have A LOT of fun along the way. Parents features information about child health, safety, behavior, discipline and education. There are also stories on women's health, nutrition, pregnancy, marriage, and beauty. It is aimed primarily at women ages 18–35 with young children. • Follow us today to become the best parent you can be! • Official Parents Website: • Follow Parents on FACEBOOK: • Follow Parents on TWITTER: • Follow Parents on PINTEREST: • Follow Parents on INSTAGRAM: