Gamma Males Explained Fake Sigma Males
Gamma Males Explained (Fake Sigma Males) • Gamma males are one of the personalities in the socio-sexual hierarchy. They are characterized by a lot of traits but are generally seen as more submissive than their sigma and alpha counterparts. They can also tend to have superior attitudes as a response to feeling inferior, which can lead them to gain a false perception of themselves. As a result, some may coin them as being ‘fake sigma males’. • What Is a Gamma Male? • Gamma males are one of the archetypes in the social dominance ranking system, and they are placed second-to-last - right above omega males. Gamma males are usually more submissive and prefer to follow others rather than lead any groups themselves. They lack the desire to dominate or direct others, and as a result, don’t feel the stress that can come with having to manage people. • They often exhibit kindness and possess gentle hearts. They’re also more likely to settle down in a relationship and be content with their partner or family. They may be seen as the ‘nice guy’ people go to for help or comfort. Some dub them as mediators due to their thoughtful nature and empathetic tendencies - they can see both sides of the argument and make a reasonable judgment based on that. They also tend to avoid confrontation themselves due to their submissive nature. • Gamma males are more introverted than extroverted and don’t have an extreme need to socialize, which can result in them struggling to fit in and being deemed an outcast. Furthermore, despite their kind demeanor, they can also suffer from extreme or irrational envy and jealousy. This can cause them to adopt a superior or egotistical outlook, which can come off as delusional. Overall, there are many benefits to being a gamma male but - like with all personalities - there are also some drawbacks. • So, how do you know if you’re a gamma male? It can be hard to determine whether any of these descriptions suit your personality - looking at yourself in an objective manner can be difficult. That’s why we decided to put together a list of traits common amongst gamma males and explain each one. Hopefully, this will make it much easier to determine whether you share any of these traits. • Thanks for stopping by the Relentless Man channel where we teach you how to be a high-quality man. We approach this by starting with self-awareness and developing a positive psychology mindset. This shift in thinking can help you with interpersonal skills and verbal communication in all areas of your life. This makes your masculine energy unstifled, drastically improving your well-being and entrepreneurial mindset. • Subscribe -