Learn Hip Hop Dance Bopping
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=eVo667hcJSs
How to Dougie: http://bit.ly/DOUGIE • Like electric boogaloo, popping and locking, bopping is a funk style. • Bopping • Bopping is popping your knees either backward or forward and then quickly popping them back in. When you bop forward or backward, make sure to be bending slightly while doing so. The better you get at this, the smaller you'll be able to make the movements. • Adding the Legs • 1. Start with your feet touching. Step forward and slightly to the right with your right leg. At the moment you land the foot, bop your stationary left leg back, as though it were being yanked backward. • 2. Step back in with your right leg, touching your feet back together. Bop backward. Now, repeat step one with your left leg. Make sure to bop your right leg when you land your left leg. • 3. Step back in with your left leg, touching your feet back together. Bop backward. • Combination • After you've practiced bopping and the leg movements enough to feel comfortable with them, try this suggested combination: bop forward, bop forward, bop forward, bop forward, step out right, reset, step out left, reset. • Music by Btonez of #TeamWest Productions • Read more by visiting our page at: • http://www.mahalo.com/courses/learn-h...