No Way José YTP
This was a super fun movie to edit. I personally love this movie and would never want to make fun of it. I believe I have respectfully meme-afied it without ruining it. • If you're wondering why there is not more Bully Maguire content, it's because there are plenty of channels that create exclusively bully Maguire content and they do it really well. I thought I would leave it up to to them to do Mr. Maguire justice. • The KKK joke at the beginning was inspired by one of my favorite YTPs SHED 2 by Umbra Lupin, which is not family friendly but hilarious all the same. • Video links: • Boat History: • History of Boats | History of inventi... • Ned Leads: • Who is Ned Leeds? • Caught living in other peoples house: • 6 Sick Strangers Caught Living in Oth... • • #spiderman #nowayhome #multiverseofmadness #multiverse #tobymaguire #tomholland #AndrewGarfield #bullymaguire #memes #funny #comedy #edit #shrekardo #ytp #WilliamDafoe