Yaesu FT891 Rails Ham Radio POTA Protection amp Stand
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=ecTJLNCmtN8
Yaesu FT891 Rails - Ham Radio POTA Protection • This is a brief video spotlighting the protective rails that I found for the Yaesu FT891. • The bands shown in the video are for placing around the radio and rails to hold the legs in place if needed. Highly unlikely, since the nuts on the legs have nylon threads and are not going to come loose. • Where I Got The Rails: https://www.ebay.com/str/bd7maple • ☯☯☯☯☯ Around the Web ☯☯☯☯☯ • Interested in Folklore or the Paranormal? • Check out the mysterious puzzle T-Shirts at Parabox Monthly! • Use the Promo Code HNX10 and get 10% off your order! • Check out the link: https://www.paraboxmonthly.com • FREE Custom Thumbnails: https://www.canva.com/join/harmonica-... • Need an amazing price on outdoor gear? Hit the link: http://www.theclymb.com/invite/sdh116 • If you engage in any activity or project demonstrated in any of our videos, you do so at your own risk. I am what some folks occasionally refer to as a professional. • Any and all items reviewed on this channel are paid for with my own money. I do not feature or review free items. • In the event that B-Roll footage or photographs are used (that I did not personally take), then the following applies: • All footage images used in this video are used legally for criticism, commentary education, and are protected by the Fair Use Law/Act: Section 107 of the USC: • https://www.copyright.gov/legislation... • #HamRadio #Radio #YaesuFT891 • • DISCLAIMER: • Thank you for visiting our YouTube page. The HNX Media YouTube page is intended for informational, educational, entertainment, and research purposes only. • HNX Media does not warrant the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of the information available on this YouTube page. Nothing contained in or provided through this YouTube page is intended to constitute advice or to serve as a substitute for the advice of any licensed professional (legal, medical, psychological, etc.). Any reliance you place on such information is strictly at your own risk. We may include links to other web pages, but these links are not an endorsement of those pages. HNX Media is not responsible for the content of any web site not operated by HNX Media. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases made through links in this video. • If you have actually taken the time to read this far into our disclaimer, I truly hope you have a wonderful day.