Monster Hunter World Iceborne Shara Ishvalda Final Boss Fight amp Ending
Monster Hunter World Iceborne Final Boss Fight (Shara Ishvalda) and Game Ending. • This is the final story quest called Paean of Guidance in which you fight Shara Ishvalda, the endboss and an elder dragon in MHW Iceborne. • The fight consists of two phases, first you fight against its rocky shell (attacking its belly is best), in the second round it breaks out of its shell and has more weakspots. However, it gets also more aggressive in the second part. There is one big AOE attack that can instantly kill you - when Shara Ishvalda digs through the ground to the corner of the arena, run to the edge of the arena opposite of where the monster stands. It will summon a big blast in the middle that wipes everyone who's not far enough away. • After defeating this final boss, you get to enjoy Iceborne's Ending. • However, the assignments don't stop there as there are new Master Rank assignments and the Guiding Lands endgame region to explore, for a guide on all that check here: • Good luck, Hunters! • SUBSCRIBE: • Support this Channel by becoming a Member: / @powerpyx • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ • Follow PowerPyx: • • / powerpyx • / powerpyx • / powerpyx • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~