EUROPEASIA BORDER YEKATERINBURG RUSSIA 2020 Ganina Yama Romanov Family amp Boris Yeltsin
EUROPE/ASIA BORDER! YEKATERINBURG RUSSIA 2020! Ganina Yama: Romanov Family Boris Yeltsin • In this video we visit the Europe/Asia border in Yekaterinburg which was pretty cool stepping across two continents in one country :) then along with our tour guide Dimitri we went to visit the Ganina Yama Monastery (the churches memorial for the Romanov family), and then we drove to the site where the remains of the Romanov family were found buried in the woods, 2 of the bodies are still being tested now to check whether they are in fact the remains of the two missing Romanov children. • After all this we then took a trip to the Boris Yeltsin Museum in the city which was a great way to learn about how much Russia has changed since the Soviet days and how politics has had such a huge impact on Russian life. This was a busy day where we learnt a lot about Russian life before, during and after the Soviet Union. We had no idea just how much more we were about to learn when we went to visit the 3 Baltic countries and spend the next 6 months exploring them! Check out our other videos which are full of adventure and history, plus it gets warmer so less snow and more sunshine! :) • Travel Vlog 4 | Yekaterinburg, Russia | Country #1 | Filmed March 2020 • TKT tip: Russian history is pretty heavy but really interesting so if you visit a museum be sure to get the audio guides in your language (if you don’t have a person to translate for you). • The music used here is from • ———————————————— • INSTAGRAM: @tideknottravellers • / tideknottravellers • BLOGS/WEBSITE • • For Exclusive Content and Live Q A's with us join our adventures here: / tideknottravellers • ———————————————— • A British couple from just outside London, England. We got married in 2018 and decided instead of a honeymoon we’d travel the world together for a year. We saved money and travel points, quit our jobs, rented our house out and boarded a one way flight. We started this Youtube channel to share our experiences with friends, family and anyone who plans to travel to the places we’re visiting. We leave TKT tips/facts on all our vlogs and blogs to give information to travellers that we wish we’d had before visiting. We hope you find our content useful :) • #travel #yekaterinburg #russia #city #urals #europeasiaborder #theromanovs #ganinayama #boristeltsin #tideknottravellers #europe #asia #travelcouple #vlog #travelvlog