NETGEAR EX3700 WIFI Range Extender Instructions


Setting up the NETGEAR EX3700 as a WIFI Range Extender. • http://[ip of extender]/start.htm • or • http://[ip of extender]/start_repeater.htm • After factory resetting, a new SSID will appear in your available WIFI signals list. Wait for and connect to the NETGEAR_EXT signal. Once connected, it will try to get you to enter personal information. Press CANCEL, then connect to NETGEAR_EXT again, then press CANCEL again, and you will get an option to 'use without internet'. Select this. After connecting this time, you can check the WIFI properties information and get the extenders IP address. For me it was This technique is specific for an iPhone, so maybe you have to try other ways to bypass forced user registration. • I then enter directly into the browser address bar, it then auto forwards me again back to the user registration page named 'web_login.html'. Replace this with 'start.htm' so that the URL looks like http://[ip of extender]/start.htm • Important : Note that the page name is start.htm and not start.html • I then get taken straight to the 'Smart Setup' option without needing to enter personal information and can progress. • I then select 'WIFI RANGE EXTENDER' rather than 'ACCESS POINT'. It then searches for existing nearby signals, it finds my router and I enter the password of my routers existing signal so then the Netgear extender can extend it with 2 new signals being 2.4ghz and 5ghz. • After connecting, it then gives me the option to name the 2 new SSIDs, I can change these SSID names to match my home networks SSID, but in this video, I use the defaults suggested by the Netgear EX3700. This is so that I am sure I am actually connected via the range extender, since if I used the same SSIDs for the new signals, as the SSID for my main router, it wouldn't be easy to know if I was actually connected to it or not without comparing the mac addresses which is slightly tricky. • After all the setup is complete, it shows you a new page with the names of your new signals, and your password. You can close this page now, or screen grab it if you want. You then go back to your phones WIFI settings, wait for the new SSID signals to appear, and then connect, and enter your SSID password. You should now be able to connect to the internet via the range extender, as long as your main router is working correctly. • Remember that this is quite a confusing thing to setup so just prevail, you will get it. • Thanks for watching, remember to like, comment, subscribe and share. • For NETGEAR EX3700 ACESS POINT instructions instead, see    • NETGEAR EX3700 AC750 Access Point Ins...   • #netgear • #ex3700 • #wifiRangeExtender


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