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>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ how to make emails go to a specific folder gmail • Here are the top searches on Google for how to make emails go to a specific folder Gmail • Get Organized: Tricks for a Better Gmail Inbox | Jill Duffy | •,2817... • Mar 24, 2014 - If you want incoming messages for that address to go directly into a designated folder, select the options Apply the label and Skip the Inbox. You must apply both filters, or else the mail will go to the new folder and your regular inbox. 7. Hit Create filter to save your changes. • Label emails in Inbox - Computer - Inbox by Gmail Help • • Label emails automatically. On your computer, open Inbox. On the left, next to the label you want, click Settings . Under Automatically add messages, click Add. In the From field, click the Down arrow . Choose an option. Enter a name, email address, or keyword. • how to make emails go to a specific folder Gmail • how to use filters in gmail • how to make emails go to a specific folder gmail •    • How To Block Someone On Gmail From Se...  


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