Bimanual Dexterous Robotic Platform Robo Sally
The Bimanual Dexterous Robotic Platform (also known as Robo Sally) developed by The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory (APL) in Laurel, Md., is a robotic system designed to replicate human capabilities to safely remove the human performer from life threatening operations. The platform leverages two Modular Prosthetic Limbs developed by APL ( under the DARPA Revolutionizing Prosthetics program that has been featured on 60 Minutes and in National Geographic and Popular Mechanics. The BDRP has 42 individual Degrees of Control (17 in each limb, three in the torso, three in the neck, and two in the mobility platform). This video is a compilation of a number of mock scenarios that highlight the system capabilities. • 1. Improvised Explosive Device (IED) Prosecution: The BDRP is teleoperated to inspect a suspected IED site, uncover an IED, grasp and remove a blasting cap, and leave the scene with the disabled device. • 2. Vehicle Search: The BDRP is teleoperated to inspect and interact with cargo in the back of a vehicle, including obstacle removal, container opening, and target object interaction and removal. • 3. Perimeter Monitoring: The BDRP is teleoperated to drive around a secure perimeter, conduct surveillance, and remove objects causing disturbances on a pressure sensitive security fence. • 4. Vehicle Checkpoint: The BDRP is teleoperated to perform vehicle checkpoint operations, which include vehicle directing, vehicle exterior inspection, driver interaction via gestures, identification of occupant, and passage granting. • 5. Platform Mobility: The BDRP is teleoperated around rough terrain to demonstrate maneuvering capabilities. • APL would like to acknowledge HDT Robotics, Synbotics, and Silvus Technologies for their participation in this project. • Other MPL Links: • 60 Minutes - Human Thought Control of the MPL: • 60 Minutes Overtime - Robo Sally: • • MPL on APL's YouTube: • • Modular Prosthetic Limb