Back In School — Souichiro Nagi vs Masataka Takayanagi Tenjho Tenge AMV
After a long time not posting (cuz YouTube deleted every single video I tried to upload, for copyright reasons) I'm back with my very first AMV, it probably sucks and the video quality is shit 'cause i used an old video i had in my phone since 2015— but enjoy ༼ ;´༎ຶ ༎ຶ ༽ • Feel free to request me other AMVs/edits of some parts of an anime or stuff like that, also stay safe and have a nice day. Hope you'll enjoy! • • • -- COPYRIGHT DISCLAIMER -- • The song Back In School (2017, Island Records/Universal Music Canada) belongs to @Mother Mother music, all credits to them and to their label. • The anime Tenjho Tenge (2004, CMX/Vix Media/Geneon Entertainment/Diskcotek Media) belongs to Oh! great and Ultra Jump magazine, all credits to them. • • Once again: • This channel and I do not claim any right over any of the graphics, images, songs used in this video. All rights reserved to the respective copyright owners. • #tenjhotenge #amv #heavenandearth #animefight #animemusicvideo #backinschool