Channel Update WHAMaTRON
Big Channel Update we are going to be uploading more gameplay videos from now on. I'm hoping for 2 or 3 videos a week, live streaming soon and Whammy Rants videos will continue. Trolling videos every now and then. • • Thanks for watching my video today. If you enjoyed watching please take a look at some of my other videos. I would really appreciate it if you could also subscribe and drop a few likes and comments to help my channel grow, that would be awesome. • • If you could also share on your social media pages links to my videos that would be great. • • HashTags I Use Are; • #CallOfDuty #Trolling #Gaming #Cod #MW2 #MW3 #MW4 #WARZONE #WarzoneMobile #CodGaming #twitchstreamer #gta #gamers #codwarzone #warzoneclips #mw #pcgaming #callofdutymemes #callofdutyclips #gamergirl #gamingcommunity #follow #codm #apexlegends #battlefield #pubgmobile #esports #sniper #codmemes #coldwar #clips #meme #like #zombies #freefire #codtopplays #multiplayer #activision #funny #gameplay • You can easily look up these hashtags on line or copy and paste this for your own videos. • Thank you so much for taking time out your day to watch. • Remember you are awesome.