PS22 Chorus quotONE DAYquot by Bjork my FAVORITE version

>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ •   / ps22chorus   •   / ps22chorus   • • Just have to say, I know I've posted several versions of this, but this is far and away my own personal favorite. Maya sounds absolutely beautiful on the solo and the chorus sings it too near perfection. That's all I'm sayin..... Otherwise I'm just copying the description from the previously posted video: • • I've been thinking long and hard for a good Bjork song to sing with the kids, when finally it struck me like a hammer over the head! This song was always my favorite off of her debut album (titled, appropriately, DEBUT), so I don't know why it didn't occur to me sooner. (I was so stuck on the idea of Hyperballad, but just didn't think it worked lyrically for the kids to sing. but i still may try to find a way eventually.....) I love the message of One Day , and it takes on a whole new meaning when these 10 year old kids are singing it. The kids do a great job with the choral arrangement and really seem to feel it . • • Bjork is one of the most brilliant and creative musicians of our time, and just released an amazing new track with Radiohead singer, Thom York, called Nattura. (Just a plug for a great song and two great artists!) • • The PS22 Chorus is not an intermediate school or high school chorus. Believe it or not, these kids are just a public elementary school chorus, and have soared to great heights, singing with the likes of Tori Amos, Crowded House, and Judy Torres. Perez Hilton, gossip-god himself even featured the chorus on two separate occasions on his blog. They will even be appearing in the upcoming and updated version of the PBS classic Electric Company. These kids are only starting to take the world by storm.....


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