NucleoTides vs nucleoSides
How to decide whether to say nucleoTide or nucleoSide? Here’s a guide… Remember: A nucleoSide is a nucleobase (base) with a side of sugar (ribose for RNA deoxyribose for DNA). If you add phosphate group(s), you get a nucleoTide. When you see that T, think energy (rhyme that in your head) because those phosphate groups provide the energy needed to link these letters up to form nucleic acids! • +1 phosphate gives you a nucleoside MONOphosphate (NMP (if the nucleoside has ribose as the sugar) or dNMP (if the sugar’s deoxyribose)) (e.g. AMP) • +2 phosphates gives you a nucleoside Diphosphate (NDP or dNDP) (e.g. ADP) • +3 phosphates gives you a nucleoside TRIphosphate (NTP or dNTP) (e.g. ATP - the energy money we keep talking about) • • It may look confusing that the nucleoTides have nucleoSide in their name as written above, but that’s because it’s written as its parts - nucleoSide + phosphate (nucleoTide has the phosphate so if we wrote nucleoTide monophosphate, etc. that would be “redundant” • So, building nucleic acids up from their parts… • • BASE • • BASE + SUGAR = nucleoSIDE • • BASE + SUGAR + PHOSPHATE = nucleoTIDE • • NUCLEOTIDE + NUCLEOTIDE + NUCLEOTIDE . . . = NUCLEIC ACID • YouTube: • NucleoTides vs nucleoSides • • more on nucleic acid structure here:; • DNA structure - a biochemical look in... • more on AZT nucleoside analogs: • • more about all sorts of things: #365DaysOfScience All (with topics listed) 👉 or search blog: