Play School New Intro Closer 2011
To celebrate Play School's 45th year on Australian Television, a new opening segment was introduced. There are also some new presenters. This is the closer segment. • The Show began back on 18th July 1966 and still to this day entertains and educates children, particularly less than 6 years old. • According to an ABC survey in 2003, it is estimated that around 80% of preschool children under 6 watch the program at least once a week. • • Its airs 9.30pm and 4.30pm on ABC 2 and 3.05pm on ABC1. • • Previous Intros have been: • 1980s: • Play School AU theme • 1990s: • Play School Intro (Old) • 2000s: • Play School Intro (New - Current) • The Show began back on 18th July 1966 and still to this day entertains and educates children, mostly under 6 years old. • According to an ABC survey in 2003, it is estimated that around 80% of preschool children under 6 watch the program at least once a week. • • Its airs 9.30pm and 4.30pm on ABC 2 and 3.05pm on ABC1.