Philippine National ID Philippine Identification System


On August 28, 2020, it was reported by mainstream media that the government plans to spend P4.1B to expedite the implementation of the Philippine Identification System next year. ( • • Republic Act 11055, otherwise known as the Philippine Identification System Act was signed on August 06, 2018, by president Duterte. The Philippine Identification system or “PhilSys” as stated in section 3 of republic act number 11055, “shall primarily be established to provide a valid proof of identity for all citizens and resident aliens as a means of simplifying public and private transactions.” • ( • • According to the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA), the start of registration of at least 5 million people will be in the 4th quarter of 2020 and is initially targeted to low-income households. The Philippine Statistics Authority shall be the primary implementing agency to carry out the provisions of this act. • So, for the PhilID registration, the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) will establish both fixed and mobile registration centers in strategic locations to register the population to PhilSys. Currently, the PSA is in coordination with LGUs, government agencies, and the private sector to determine these locations. Further updates on the exact locations of registration centers will be released by the PSA prior to the opening of PhilSys registration. • So for more information about the “Philsys” registration, list of requirements and other latest updates simply follow the link in the description below.(


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