Kunzite Corso Gemmologia e Gioielleria Gioielli геммологии 18

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Gems and Gemology Course - Lesson 18: Kunzite • The lesson of Gemology number 18 is entirely dedicated to the sweet Kunzite, the intense pink or intense violet variety of the Spodumene group. • It is not just the color notes of these Precious Stones that are sweet. In fact, the Kunzite, like any Spodumene, has a hardness ranging from 6.5 to 7 in the Mohs scale, therefore equal and often less than the hardness of the Quartz. • Spodumene is a lithium and aluminum silicate belonging to the crystalline monoclinic system. The rare green variety of Spodumene is called Hiddenite, the yellow one is called Triphane, but to enchant the hearts are the intense shades of pink or purple given by the Kunzite variety to the world of Gems. • Kunzite is a Gem that is always attractive, but not very well known by jewel buyers, so you can sometimes buy it at low prices. • The color of these Precious Stones varies from a delicate pastel pink to an intense violetish-purple and is given by Manganese. Often Kunzite exhibits a slightly pale body color, but when it shows all its saturation it definitely enchants the eyes. • Being the pleochroic gem Kunzite, it can show different colors along different crystalline directions. The cutters are obviously aware that the Kunzite is pleochroic as they are aware that most of the color of Kunzite crystal resides concentrated in its length (C-Axis). • The wonderful Kunzite has a vitreous shine and has a easy cleavage in two directions. Cleavage in two directions is a problem for the cutter who is forced to follow certain directions. Especially since the Kunzite sometimes begins to break with the pressure applied by the cutter in order to facet. • Usually the Kunzite Gem comes to light with few inclusions and in fact the cut that is most often applied to these Gems is the Step Cut. The Step Cut, with its large table highlights the lack of inclusions within the Gem. But the great cutters, over the years, have given any shape to this delicate Gem, which can be mounted in a variety of jewelry items that are well suited to any customer. • The Kunzite was found for the first time in 1902 in San Diego County, after which it was sent to Tiffany gemologist George Frederick Kunz, who first analyzed it. In San Diego County, in the Pala Chief Mine and in Oceanview Mine, many specimens of Kunzite Gemma are meticulously extracted with a beautiful color. • Only the following year, in honor of Kunz, the name of Kunzite was given to these marvelous Precious Stones. • • Often the Kunzites undergo the irradiation treatment, which produces in these Precious Stones the color brown, green, orange or yellow. Unfortunately, this color is completely temporary and fades immediately after prolonged exposure to the sun. • The Gemological Institute of Genoa was created for educational purposes and with the aim of teaching Gemmology to lovers of Gems and Jewels. In fact, the Diamond course and the ​​Gemology course are our pride and the Precious Stones are our passion. • Subscribe to our youtube channel    / @istitutodigemmologiagenova1976   • to be able to see Precious Stones, Diamonds and Gemology ​​videos that come out on the first of every month • Keep in touch with us on Facebook   / gemmologico   • On our websites: • https://gemologicalinstituteofgenoa.com/ • https://www.istitutogemmologico.com/ • Twitter •   / genovabrillante   • Instagram •   / gemological_institute_genoa   • Pinterest •   / pins  


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