How to Create deb Packages for Debian Ubuntu and Linux Mint


How To Create Debian Packages • Note: Commands here are just for examples. They will NOT run as they are shown here. You have to adapt them to your own needs and system. • 1. Create the directory to hold the project: • shell) mkdir /home/USER/debpkgs/my-program_version_architecture • 2. Create a directory called DEBIAN inside the project directory: • shell) mkdir /home/USER/debpkgs/my-program_version_architecture/DEBIAN • 3. Copy files into project root directory and include the final paths: • /usr/bin/ would be /home/USER/debpkgs/my-program_version_architecture/usr/bin/ • /opt/ would /home/USER/debpkgs/my-program_version_architecture/opt/ • 4. Create a control file in DEBIAN: • shell) touch /home/USER/debpkgs/my-program_version_architecture/DEBIAN/control • 5. Now add the necessary meta data to the control file: • Package: my-program • Version: 1.0 • Architecture: all • Essential: no • Priority: optional • Depends: packages;my-program;needs;to;run • Maintainer: Your Name • Description: A short description of my-program that will be displayed when the package is being selected for installation. • 6. If desired a preinst and/or postinst script can be added that execute before and/or after installation. They must be given proper execute permissions to run: • shell) touch /home/USER/debpkgs/my-program_version_architecture/DEBIAN/postinst • Add commands you'd like to run in postinst and then set the permissions to 755. • 7. Now generate package: • shell) dpkg-deb --build /home/USER/debpkgs/my-program_version_architecture • The package will be in /home/USER/debpkgs • Check out for more about Linux. • Please join the discussion at EzeeTalk. • It's free, secure and fun!


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