Phase 3 Gearing and Rotation Wotlk Classic Balance Druid
We're a few months into Ulduar and I'm looking ahead to Phase 3! I hope this info gets you hyped and into the theory crafting mind to maximize our Spec/Gear/Rotation for the next phase! I haven't looked at how hard the gear will be to get just yet, to make a final say on what I'll be going for, but for now, I have a starter set to work from! Who knows, Blizzard could make tons of changes to Phase 3 with Gear and this could all change! • 00:00 - Intro • 00:22 - Wowhead Phase 2 Rotation/My Rotation • 02:44 - Wowhead Phase 2 Spec/My Spec • 03:19 - Wowhead Phase 2 Glyphs • 03:35 - Balance Druid Sim Settings for Phase 2 • 06:12 - Current Gear Sim'd/Single Target Spec • 07:48 - Phase 3 Disscussion (Sims/Gear/Glyphs/Idol/Rotation) • 09:31 - Phase 3 BiS Crit Soft Cap • 10:21 - Phase 3 BiS Sim • 11:12 - Outro/Stream Clip