Stucco rooftowall flashing metal saddles


Stucco roof-to-wall flashing, metal saddles. • Folks, we are located in Oakland, CA. • FYI, folks, here are all the basic tools we use and recommend on Amazon's website. • • Live long and plaster hats, shirts, and other cool stuff. • Kirk Giordano Plastering Inc. • Send pictures to Jay or myself at our sites below for immediate bids. • Kirk’s website. • Jason’s Website. • • Learn the importance of stucco roof-to-wall flashing caulking all the penetrations. • Metal saddles for the waterproofing of a roof to a wall. • This video explains the importance of roof flashing saddles necessary for stucco longevity. • Understanding stucco saddles roof-to-wall metal flashing could save you a fortune in dry rot repairs. • This video also shows an alternative to having metal saddles fabricated to protect your number 1 investment.    • How to Install roof-to-wall metal fla...   • You name it, we have done it. •   • In this video, we explain why these areas with no saddles failed to stop the rainwater. Sure, caulking is great, but it is not permanent unless you add metals, thick peel, and sticks. • Is it necessary to Calk all the stucco penetrations? You betcha; it’s super important. • Thus, if you have roofs next to stucco walls, take notes, or the rainwater will eventually penetrate this area and cause rot, leading to various problems you’re witnessing in this video. • In the video, you can only see two failed areas where the rainwater did its job and created wood rot; four saddles were needed. • As a licensed plastering contractor, I have replaced as many as thirty similar situations in my day. • Help put me out of work, install these roofs to wall saddles, and keep the rainwater flowing down your walls, not filling them up with water.


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