Building Blocks Functional Harmony
Alright, it's time to get serious. We've talked about all the different things music is made of: Notes, scales, intervals, chords, and keys. Now it's time to put it all together to make really, usable harmony. How do we know which chords to use in which keys? How do notes notes cause chords to sound the way they do, and which intervals define the relationships between them? This is where things get real, and the best tool we have to answer those questions is a model called Functional Harmony. In this month's Building Blocks we look at how to fit chords together into a key, and how those chords help build a cohesive bed on top of which we build our songs. This one's important. • Patreon: / 12tonevideos • Mailing List: • Facebook: / 12tonevideos • Twitter: / 12tonevideos • Email: [email protected] • Last: • Changes Like Coltrane • Scales video: • Building Blocks: What's A Scale? • Keys video: • Building Blocks: The Circle Of Fifths • Chords video: • Building Blocks: What's A Chord? • Intervals video: • Building Blocks: How Notes Relate • Huge thanks to our gold-level Patreon supporters: • Ron Jones • Jill Jones • Susan Jones • Howard Levine • Elaine Pratt • Ken Arnold • Nakarin: / jerom09666 • Michael Deakin • And thanks as well to Henry Reich, José N., Logan Jones, Eugene Bulkin, Yan Han, Jody, Abram Thiessen, Anna Work, Oliver, Sebastian Ertl, Jc Bq, and Adam Neely! Your support helps make 12tone even better! • Also, thanks to Jareth Arnold and Inés Dawson for proofreading the script to make sure this all makes sense hopefully!