Polish Protect your RV or Motorhome the right way make it shine again keep it that way. • It’s very common for all RV’s paint, fiberglass or the clear coat to get dull or have a “cloudy” look to them over time. RV's sit in the sun constantly, the UV rays from the sun can really take it’s toll on any type of RV. If you take the steps that I show you in how we wash and detail our motorhome—in addition to doing periodical polishing protection with RejeX—your RV, can always look practically new again. • • Using the right equipment, materials a little patience, any RVer can do this DIY job and save BIG MONEY by not out sourcing it to RV detailing person or company. • We polish our motorhome twice a year before applying RejeX as our final coat instead of using wax. But we have one area on our motorhome that I need to polish a little more each year. And that’s what I’m going to show you today. A step-by-step, how to, instructional, DIY, RV video on how to polish and protect your RV or motorhome and bring back the shine so it looks like new again. • Please...consider SUBSCRIBING to our Channel. It's FREE. It’s a great way to support us, our channel—and Martin—who is a “Purple Heart Veteran” 💜 • HOW TO WASH AND PROTECT YOUR RV THE RIGHT WAY: •    • WASH   PROTECT YOUR RV THE RIGHT WAY ...   • HOW TO REMOVE SCRATCH MARKS, SCUFFS AND SWIRLS IN MY RV: •    • FIXING, RV SCRATCHES, Scuff Marks   S...   • HOW TO DO A QUICK WASH TO MY RV IN 30-45 MINUTES: •    • EASY QUICK WASH FOR RVer's. RV WASH W...   • Check out my PLAYLIST page here: •    / rvstreet   • 💗 OUR AMAZON STORE 💗 • FOR THE PRODUCTS WE USE RECOMMEND IN ALL OUR VIDEOS • • EVERYTHING I USED IN THIS VIDEO IS IN MY AMAZON STORE IN THE COMPOUND, POLISH AND FINISH COAT CATEGORY • • 💗 BUT THERE’S MORE: • EVEN IF WHAT YOU NEED IS NOT IN OUR AMAZON STORE, YOU CAN STILL CLICK OUR STORE LINK BELOW, THAT WILL TAKE YOU TO OUR STORE, SHOP AND SEARCH ON AMAZON LIKE YOU NORMALLY WOULD, PUT YOUR ITEMS IN THE CART AND CHECK OUT. Using our Amazon Store to buy your RV gear, parts, maintenance items “AND ANYTHING ELSE YOU NEED” is a great way to say Thank You Martin for making these videos and helping the RV community. • WHEN I WANT A QUICK WASH WAX • • Wash Wax All Mop Kit With Deluxe Pole (this kit comes with the pole I have) - • • Wash Wax All Mop Pad (4 Pack) - • WASH WAX ALL RESUPPLY • • Wash Wax Solution 32oz. - • • Wash Wax Solution 128oz. - • I participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for me to earn fees by linking to my Amazon Store • DISCLAIMER: • We are in no way experts or professional mechanics. But being a journeyman millwright for years being EX Military, has proven to be very helpful in my lifetime learning how to care for maintain all sorts of machinery equipment like: helicopters, airplanes, tanks, motorcycles many types of other vehicles. That, along with 18 months preparing upgrading our RV before we went full time, now traveling for several years has gained us a lot of knowledge. Regardless of what we recommend, consult a professional if you're unsure about working on your RV. Work you perform or products you purchase based on any information we provide is at your own risk.


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