The Reign of Jehoiakim The Prophet Jeremiah 11


Featuring the biblical teaching of Ross K. Nichols. This series covers the World and Words of the Prophet Jeremiah. Subscribe to Ross's YouTube channel (   / rossknicholstv  . • In class eleven of our ongoing study of the World and Words of the Prophet Jeremiah, we begin to explore the days of the reign of King Jehoiakim, the son of Josiah. Jehoiakim's reign is covered in the Books of Kings and Chronicles, by the prophet Jeremiah, and by one other biblical book (revealed in this class). Sometimes our sources agree, but there is one significant disagreement between the accounts in Kings and Chronicles. Can we resolve the apparent disagreement by carefully studying Jeremiah and the other biblical source text? • You can support Ross's research and content creation by becoming a Patron today.   / rossknichols  


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