The Cube The Torus amp The Higher Heart
Here I decode the ancient mystery of the Higher Heart, the metaphysical intersection of the 8 Original Cells, and the human Brain that is a Torus. • This exists at the base of the Spine. It contains The 8 Original Cells, that store all your Memories, all your Past Lives and all Knowledge of the Universe. • Scientists just learnt that the human Brain is a Torus. Though the Brain was not the first organ to form in the Embryo, it is the Cardio-Genesis of the embryonic Heart that first formed after 512 Cell Division. . • My epiphany is the introduction of a new symbol that recognizes the merging of the Golden Spirals.A single Golden Spiral has a convergence point called the Eye of the Spiral, the Eye of God, or the Sweet Spot. When the 2 Eyes Of God intersect or merge, the 2 Become The 1. It opens the possibility for Union with your Higher Self, in contrast to the earthly love of Twin Flames where one Being connects with another Being. • This is the bio-mathematics of Infinity and is part of your Ascension Process. • Jain 108 • For those who missed the FREE WEBINAR on The Cube, The Torus The Higher Heart please Register here.