How to Protect Your Mind While Journaling journal journaling cursive


New to journaling? Learn to protect your mind. Experienced journaler? Here's an easy 3 step hack for breaking out of negativity. • BONUS FEATURE!! How to write a 3 sentence letter to improve your mind and encourage others! • In this video, I'll detail a simple hack that I use to break a negativity cycle, and prevent myself from dipping into sadness, darkness, or depression: again. Even as an experienced journaler (over 40 years); I made a terrible mistake - - and you don't have to do that!! By using unhelpful, unwise journaling techniques, I kept myself in depression for 10 years, and put on over 100 pounds. NOT ANYMORE! This hack is enjoyable and gets super simple with a little practice. • Enjoy the benefits of journaling while avoiding its dangers. • Come see how looking at beauty can help you break the Negativity Bias. • The painting used in the video for the beauty lesson is called, A Light to My Way, by artist Janet Baura. • ‪@JournalingwithSteve‬ #journal ideas #journaling for mental health #journaling for beginners #journaling for anxiety #journal with me #positivity journal #negativity bias #depression #depression relief #fountain pen #stationary #cursive #cursivewriting #letter writing for encouragement • If you are suffering from sadness or depression, or otherwise thinking of harming yourself, please contact the National Suicide Prevention Hotline at or 1-800-273-TALK (8255) or your local emergency services. • Music, sound effects, and some B roll footage provided by Artlist.


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