The Astrology of Destiny Rahu Ketu and more


As a human with limited means, • It helps me to know when to quit, • And let go of control so that the flow, • Of life can take care of it. • 🐲 Come join me at Dragonfly Village in Ubud next week! • Reinhold Niebuhr said: Lord, grant me the strength to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. Astrology connects strength and courage to Mars, which is now even stronger, conjunct the Sun. However, as I speak of in today's report, it is the WISDOM that we need at this time to know our limits, boundaries, morals, truth, and capacity so we don't violate our own or other's boundaries. • For wisdom, we call on Jupiter, the focal planet of this week's Yod. Now, more than ever, we need to tap down deeply within and get a realistic assessment of ourselves in order to do right. This is the beauty of Scorpio! As we close out this Scorpio season, let's remember that this is a sign signifying the tenacious, passionate search for truth. Scorpio is the investigator that will not be deterred, bullshitted, deceived, or stopped from digging its way to the truth. • One beautiful aspect of the Scorpionic archetype is the depth of loyalty, commitment, and devotion they give to who and what they love. Indeed, this is a sign that will go all the way with you, and expect that you go all the way with them! Keeping that in mind, you can make this a special week of forging deep bonds with another, you just need to be sure they are the right one! Back to Jupiterian wisdom! • This week's song is Fortunate!    • Fortunate   • ⚡ Join The New Paradigm School of Astrology: • 💌 Sign up for Kaypacha's Newsletter: • 🎵 Pele Soundtrack Playlist: • Follow me on Telegram! • SPOTIFY: • GIFT STORE: • RUMBLE: • SUPPORT PELE: • · • · • SUBTITLES • *Want subtitles in English? Press the CC icon at the bottom of the video player. • *Want subtitles in a different language? First, activate CC by pressing on the icon. Then click on Settings (next to the CC icon). Select Subtitles/CC and then Auto-translate and find your language!


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