Preventing Suicide What Families Need to Know
Our lovely patient, Patricia, was so sweet to want to share her post-Prolotherapy update on balance improvement and resolution of dizziness and other neurological symptoms. We are very happy that she is getting her life back, and not a prisoner of her house due to dizziness! We help resolve this type of debilitating vertigo and dizziness often in our clinics. Please reach out to our clinical team if you would like to see if you're a good candidate You can go to our site where we have a cervical spine case intake form for you to tell us about your condition and symptoms, and upload MRI or other pertinent reports. • Find the form under the Get Help Now tab. • You can also email us directly at [email protected]. • Or, call us at 239-308-4773 to speak with our team asap. • Connect with us on social media: • Facebook: / caringmedical • Instagram: / caringmedical • Pinterest: / • • *DISCLAIMER: As with any medical treatment, no guarantees or claims of cures are made as to the extent of the response to treatment that every person experiences. The video represents only the featured person/people’s experience or opinion. Every therapy/treatment has patients who experience varying levels of success and failure. Results may not be the same from patient to patient, even with a similar diagnosis, as the body’s internal status is unique to each individual patient. • Thanks for watching. Wish you all the best in health!