Hiatal Hernia Diagnosis and Tests

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Hiatal Hernia usually presents radiographically as a well-defined, rounded, retrocardiac opacity with an air-fluid level. In many cases of hiatal hernia, there will not be an air bubble below the left hemidiaphragm. This is a relatively expected finding considering that the stomach is no longer in its usual position. One pitfall to consider is that hiatal hernias can look similar to a retrocardiac lung abscess or another cavitary lesion, but it will change in size and shape between radiographs. • 📺 Subscribe To My Channel and Get More Great Quizzes and Tutorials •    / @med4vl   • #FOAMrad #MedEd #radiology • Disclaimer: All the information provided by Medical Education for Visual Learners and associated videos are strictly for informational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for medical advice from your health care provider or physician. It should not be used to overrule the advice of a qualified healthcare provider, nor to provide advice for emergency medical treatment. If you think that you or someone that you know may be suffering from a medical condition, then please consult your physician or seek immediate medical attention.


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