Dedicated to my Powdery 😇 Pillows and flowers
Hey Chalkers, I’m offended! I know I’m not athletic at all, but you don’t have to disrespect me! For the most part my family is athletic. They wanted to go bowling. • Me: I’m not going • Bro: (singing like the movie Grease let’s bowl tonight) come on the family is going • Me: no, because you guys always pick me last • Bro: it’s because you suck • Me: I was ok, the time before the last when the pregnant ones got picked before me. But the blatant, disrespect of choosing lil mama before me, is what I can’t take • Bro: ( laughing) hey my granddaughter is a good bowler, plus she gets the gutter guards. • Bad side: they just want your rass to go to make the numbers even, and make the snack bar runs • Me: well I tell jokes, and entertain the crowd, bring positivity • Bro: yes, we all positive that you are going to get a gutter ball each frame. And no strikes or spares in the game! • Me: no because you guys never encourage, you do laugh • Bad side: they want to make us a pappyshow (parody) • Bro: we spot the team that take you an extra thirty points • Good side: don’t fall for it, whether they score ig on a curve, the grade always show what you actually make! • Me: call one of your friends up, because will be a no show! • Please like and subscribe! • If you want to help support my powdery wishes, my amazon link is below. • Https:// • #gymchalkasmr #asmr #oddlysatisfying #asmrgymchalk #asmrgymchalkcrumbling #asmrgymchalkcrushing #asmrcrunchy #asmrchalk #asmrgymchalkcrush #asmrgymchalkcrumble #asmrgymchalkcrunch #asmrgirls #gymchalkcrumbling #gymchalkcrushing #gymchalkcrumble #gymchalkcrush #asmrcommunity #asmr #asmrlovemovement #asmrchalk #asmrmix #asmrrelax #asmrtriggers #asmrartist #anxietyrelief #stressrelief • NEXO discount link •