L1011 TriStar Why It Failed Vol I Dawn of the Jets
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=f7iO1HADlcU
In Volume One, we explore why Lockheed decided to build the L-1011 TriStar, the world's most advanced commercial airliner in 1970! Seriously, this plane could fly and land itself... in the 70s! • We'll start by taking a look at Lockheed's success in the commercial market before the L-1011 TriStar. was launched. Lockheed had a solid reputation with airlines of the time, thanks to their propeller-driven aircraft (Electra and Constellation) and the Lockheed JetStar. • We'll also briefly touch on the dawn of the Jet Age of travel, a busy and crowded time for the commercial aviation market. In less than a decade, the market expanded immensely. We went from one jet aircraft, the DeHavilland Comet, to well over a dozen! • As Volume One wraps up, we'll discuss American Airlines and the role they played in the development of Lockheed's L-1011 TriStar. So sit back, relax, and enjoy Volume One! • At 2:36, a quick salute Honor Blackman (aka Pussy Galore), 1925-2020! My first JetStar. • Some cool trivia: This aircraft had three separate names: L-1011, TriStar, and L--093 (Lockheed's internal model number). Got some aviation trivia you'd like to share? Wrong information in the video? Hit me up! • To my knowledge, all materials used are public domain and/or copyright-free. Please contact me if there are any issues with content. • Facebook: / fansofflight • Instagram: / fansofflight • RCT3 Channel: / scaremenga • ---- • Fans of Flight, 2020.