How Does Carbon Capture Actually Work


Carbon capture and storage (CCS) or carbon capture utilisation and storage (CCUS) form a major part of a lot of governments' net-zero plans and also roadmaps like the IEA's Net-Zero by 2050 roadmap that the published recently. But so far, we have had very few successful carbon capture projects, even though many smart and motivated people have been trying very hard for about 30 or 40 years. • I've been hearing contradictory things about carbon capture. It's apparently a mature technology, but on the other hand we are expecting an imminent breakthrough that will see costs drop and adoption rise. This sounded strange to me, but since I didn't actually know how carbon capture works, it was hard to get an idea about where the technology maturity is right now, and how its likely to develop. So I tracked down a chemical engineer - Marc Allen - who has been working in industrial gases and sustainability for the last 20 years. And Marc answered all my questions about what kinds of carbon capture there are, what applications they can be used for, and how carbon capture actually works. • Bookmarks: • 00:00 Intro - can carbon capture possibly scale up as quickly as many project? • 00:21 IEA Net-Zero by 2050 road map and Ketan Joshi's historical vs future projections • 01:25 Cute infographics did not help me understand how CCS works • 02:19 Post combustion carbon capture • 02:44 Oxyfuel carbon capture • 02:51 Blue hydrogen from natural gas or coal • 03:22 Amine absorption carbon capture simple infographic • 04:30 Amine absorption process diagram • 05:20 How much CO2 can be captured? • 07:24 Molecular sieve carbon capture • 09:22 Membrane carbon capture • 10:18 How much energy does carbon capture use? • 11:19 CCS is good for hard-to-abate sectors • 13:03 CCS needs a higher price on carbon to be economic • 13:59 Summary and future video topics • A big thank you to Marc Allen from Engeco for his patient explanations! • • If you would like to help develop the Engineering with Rosie channel, you could consider joining the Patreon community, where there is a chat community about topics covered in the videos and suggestions for future videos and production quality improvements.   / engineeringwithrosie   • Sources: • EA Net-Zero by 2050 road map • Quantity of carbon capture, historical and IEA, assumed in net zero scenario by Ketan Joshi   / carbon-capture-keeps-proving-its-critics-r...   • Quest, Petra Nova and Boundary Dam on MIT database: • • Chevron Australia's Gorgon project • Molecular sieve video: Video file from Wang X, Chi C, Zhang K, Qian Y, Gupta K, Kang Z, Jiang J, Zhao D (2017). Reversed thermo-switchable molecular sieving membranes composed of two-dimensional metal-organic nanosheets for gas separation . Nature Communications. DOI:10.1038/ncomms14460. PMID 28205528. PMC: 5316892. via Wikimedia Commons • Bowl of marbles GOKLuLe 盧樂, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons • Balls in jar Smokefoot, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons • LNG processing U.S. Government Accountability Office from Washington, DC, United States, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons • IEA, Levelised cost of CO2 capture by sector and initial CO2 concentration, 2019, IEA, Paris • Thanks for watching the video How Does Carbon Capture Actually Work? • #technology #engineering #educational


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